Friday, August 10, 2012

FJM Drum Major Camp

A couple of weeks ago, I went away to a camp in Whitewater, Wisconsin.  I flew there by myself which was the first time I have done so. It was really hot the whole time and there was no air conditioning; my parents ended up ordering me a fan for me and my roommate! This camp was mandatory for me to go to because I am one of the drum majors for the marching band at my school (for everyone who doesn't know what a drum major is, I'm the one standing in front of the band conducting everyone). Honestly it was a little strange for me to go to a camp which everyone isn't talking about cycling every single second of the day! It was still really fun getting in touch with that musical side of me again.
Every day at camp we learned a new piece of music in the morning, then had to perform it in the evening.  It is actually quite hard to conduct and it takes a lot of coordination.  While one hand is doing a crescendo, the other hand has to conduct in a pattern indicating where beats 1,2,3, and 4 are.
I think that this camp was an amazing experience.  I went from not being able to conduct, to having the confidence and enough skill to be able to lead and conduct my marching band this year.  I learned a lot about leadership which is something I honestly didn't know much about.  I've never been the captain of a team or in Girl Scouts so I have never had much experience being a leader. However, I think that this camp has given me the tools I need to be a successful drum major this upcoming year.

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